Five? How Can That Be?

My baby girl turned five years old last week. In a way it seems  both like she was just born and that she’s been a part of our lives forever all at the same time. I remember taking her home from the hospital, when the nurses handed her to me, thinking “I can’t believe they just let people walk out with these things!” It was surreal to think she was mine for the rest of my life, and just like that I was in charge of another human being.

Ava is busy and full of life these days. She is sweet and loves people, a total extrovert. She thrives on interaction with others and has a great time playing, laughing, and acting silly. She has a sense of humor similar to mine in that she loves words and plays on words. Plus, she is great at imitating accents. Sounds like an auditory learner to me…

For Ava’s birthday, she was able to have a family party and a day with a couple of friends. My parents and nephew came to visit, so she got to have cake, singing, etc. with them. She loved having Tutu visit. Girl loves her Tutu. I think she likes because Tutu will sleep in her bed with her because Ava hates sleeping in her room alone. The day after her birthday, I took her and a couple of friends to get these kid’s mani/pedi/hairdo’s. It was so funny to see her there with her feet in the water. She and her friends had a ball. The salon is for kids, so they had “Max and Ruby” on tv while they were getting all gussied (sp?)up. It was a big day for everyone.

I haven’t done any pictures for her fifth birthday, but I hope to get some in this weekend. In the meantime…

Ava insisted that she have a surprise party. I think the concept of “surprise party” was lost on her, because she told us that she wanted one, then told us what to do. She said when she wasn’t in the room we were supposed to hide in different places (she specified that) then she’d come in and we’d yell “surprise!”. So, that’s what we did. This one I took right after we jumped out at her.

Ah, nothing warms my heart like a girl with a microscope. Ava got this one for her birthday. She’d been asking for one for months.

The girls had a ball getting their nails done.

Plus, getting a cute hairstyle and lots of glitter is never a bad thing either!

Ava is such special little girl with a sweet, tender heart. It’s a joy to be her mom. I love you, baby girl!

Birthday and Three Years Home

Last week was Binh’s “family day” and his birthday. He is now a big four-year-old and has been home with us for three years! Time flies!

We had a small get-together at a local Chuck E. Che*se-like place. It’s much cleaner and calmer there, and the time we picked was perfect for littler ones to run around.

I don’t have time to do a big post right now, but I’ll get around to posting lots of pics and maybe do a run down of what Binh is doing at 4 years. I have to tell you, it’s sort of mind-blowing so don’t think I’m crazy or anything (like when I tell you he’s busy learning the countries of Africa- because he wants to…) Yeah, anyway..

Three years ago God and (apparently) an incredibly intelligent birth mother entrusted me with this tiny baby boy :

Praise Jesus I now have this small and mighty little man:

Mommy loves you to Jupiter and back, Binh. Happy birthday.

Miss Ava Turns Four

Wow. I guess it’s time to get back on track. We’re trying to get into the school groove here at our house. This is our first school experience, so we’re working through the logistics. In the mean time, I’ll catch you up on what the last few weeks were about at my house.

 My parents came in town for Ava’s 4th birthday, and Ava had more a birthday week than a birthday. We had a small family thing for her with just Ash and my parents (well, Binh and I were there, too!). She got a new baby doll I had bought for her after Christmas for half price and actually managed to keep without caving and giving it to her early. It came with a stroller, high chair, and pack-n-play and the baby “talks” when you put her in those things, etc. Right now, I have the baby off and she still likes to play with it. My parents gave Ava a big girl bicycle. She was excited, but it’s been so stinkin’ hot we haven’t really been out during the day. It’s also monsoon season here in Alabama so every afternoon it pours rain- not conducive to bike riding. Ava also got a “new” big girl bed and her room redone. I say “new” bed because the bed itself is not new. We had a convertible crib that we actually converted. I think we’re one of the few that have used their convertible crib for all three stages, crib, toddler bed, and full size bed. It looks really nice, though. We painted a wall of her room purple and did pink and purple decor with some princesses thrown in, of course.

On the Wednesday of her actual birthday, we went to church for a planned indoor play event. Our church has two indoor playgrounds with all the tubes, slides, etc. I think I mentioned it before. Anyway, we took a Barbie cake to share with all her friends and she thought it was the best thing ever. We did it that way because all her friends have moved away, and dance class is out for the summer so we aren’t really in contact with those folks. She had a great time, though and that cake fed so many people I was glad we had 25 friends to share it with.

So, though it’s late, here are a few shots of my Ava from her birthday.



Binh enjoyed the party as much as anyone. He helped make quick work of the mini-cupcakes.

Here’s Ava on her new bike. It was hot as Hades this day, so she has a sun grin, but she was a good sport.

More updates to come later!

An IHOP Birthday

Ash’s birthday was yesterday, so happy birthday, sweetie. We’re going to wait and celebrate his birthday on Saturday, though. I don’t how much you really “celebrate” as an adult, but Ava has decided we need to take daddy to breakfast at IHOP on Saturday. Let me just make clear, I don’t have anything against IHOP, I just find it a little strange that my 3-year-old daughter came up with this on her own and is completely stoked about going. Maybe it has something to do with essentially getting to have dessert for breakfast. (You can get chocolate batter pancakes with chocolate syrup and whipped cream. Really? Does that come with a side of insulin?) We’ve only been to IHOP once because 1) we never move too quickly in the morning, especially when it’s a morning that we don’t really have to be anywhere 2) breakfast just isn’t my favorite meal of the day. At the beginning of the month I was telling the kids daddy’s birthday was coming up and we had to figure out what to get him. Immediately Ava said she wanted to take him to IHOP for breakfast. How do you argue with that? She went and told Ash right after she made her decision, and while he seemed a bit perplexed at the notion, he told her that it would be great and is looking forward to it. Binh went with a more traditional gift, a Red Sox hat, and who really can go wrong with anything Red Sox at this house?

Here’s a little about Ash, incase you don’t know him. Yes, he’s a Naval Officer, so very often he is pretty upright and serious, but sometimes he’s a little like this:


And sometimes he has to be a little like this:


But my favorite is when he’s this:

Hope you have a happy IHOP birthday, Ash. We love you.

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